A good vent. The focus of the power-possessors is a media that assists us in hyper-focusing on what's wrong. Its about division ( a kind of divide and conquer mentality). This is part of the collapse of a 12 to 13K year cycle that is ending in the next 100 years or so.
We are certainly hardwired for negativity and fear etc. And there are real fucked up things -like the climate crisis - the end of the human species, massive suffering etc.
And there is a lot of good that is hidden because it's not profit based media Try reading Factfulness: https://www.amazon.com/Factfulness-Reasons-World-Things-Better-ebook/dp/B0756J1LLV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1E7H57JZCKO6O&keywords=factfulness&qid=1654962409&s=books&sprefix=Factful%2Cstripbooks%2C155&sr=1-1