Capitalism in its current iteration excludes raw materials for manufacturing to disposal from it's equations and has for quite some time. (Sustainability is not widespread in capitalism at this juncture.) Planned obsolescence creates more waste products for disposal. Earth is being raped of raw materials and being used as a garbage can for unwanted materials.
Capitalism seems to focused exclusively on profits first with products and services second. This kind of thinking and behavior forces all in the marketplace to be a part of a greed machine. In the 1960s people were thought of as citizens, now were consumers.
Capitalism with regard to healthcare is about denying services to its customers in favor of making a profit. This is where government oversight and regulation comes into play. The Japanese model of healthcare relies on strict controls on private healthcare insurance and providers for all to access healthcare at affordable levels.
Capitalism without government oversight is one of the reasons why corporations have become obsessed with profits at the expense of the common good.