Ego, Being and towards Mastery: Part 2 of 3
Being: Part Two
Introduction to Being
It’s quite likely that our Being existed before ego and there is no way to know this from an ego sense. Being holds ego because it is the self beyond language, linear space-time, any of the Yugas, the matriarchy, the patriarchal or capitalism. Everyone is Being, but forgets about and /or ignores being in favor of the whims of fragmented ego. There are lots of eye-candy and click bait titillations for ego to follow out of whim, curiosity and wild excitement that draw our attention into the world of things, attachments and fun / hedonism. As a result, Being languishes while humans haphazardly uncover it through chance encounters unless it is purposely cultivated and given space to grow and develop.
Being is difficult to write about because it belongs to eternity and the infinite in the present and words can’t explain it. Human written and spoken language is bound by time and finite repetitive examples of beginnings, middles and endings. Attempts to describe Being are scant efforts to touch the ineffable of mystery.
Being and Three Experiences
Ego is to content as Being is to context. Ego is bound, attached and identified with the content of our lives — this is the stuff of identity. Being may be regarded as a fluid process similar to a quantum physicist observing a particle and then, again a wave. Context is one-way Being may be described but not explained. Being is unattached to the content of our lives as well as the existence of the human species. Being is also beyond context but we egos need parameters to get a sense of Being.
Being, from an ego perspective appears to be able to travel in-time and employ consciousness transfer, but from Being’s perspective time does not exist. Being appears to operate in a quantum reality and could wear costumes of a variety of lives spanning millennia clothed in seemingly separate egos. Being exists within each of us but due to ego is obscured, hidden and even denied. Being also transcends self into an ever-expanding consciousness.
“In April of 1981 we were shown an inner exercise — The Expanded Present Moment Exercise. We were instructed to relax our bodies, then go “back” ten years to April 1971 and experience those ten years as one expanded present moment. It was relatively easy to remember where I was and approximate what I was doing and scan the memories in the interim. We were then told to go forward ten years to April 1991 and then experience the entire twenty years as one expanded present moment.
It was an interesting experience that I soon forgot about until one day in April 1991.
I said aloud: “So that’s what that was.” It was being. In that moment I was Being — experiencing consciousness without time. That was translated by my ego as “the future” in some way that was scarcely comprehensible. I knew that the rest of this current Earthly life was going to be okay. No matter what happened, my permanent “I” or essence was okay.
It was a feeling of awe, wonder, joy and bliss. It was a recognition of an expanded sense of self without any anchors to my stuff or to memories. It was a recognition of Being.” [an excerpt from a forthcoming book]
In 1984 I stood with others for World Peace (part of the No-Nukes Movement) in the town square at twilight protecting a candle’s flame from a wind that had kicked up. I stared down at the flame of this candle to the place where it was invisible to the small blue and the elongated yellow flame when something happened.
I felt the light of my essence analogous to the candle flame traveling in my spine from my coccyx bone to the top of my head and that in-turn was in an eternity of the present moment. It was a momentary expansion of consciousness to feel Being in a full presence that held my fragile ego.
Ten years later in November of 2001 I had a similar experience of past and future lives that stripped content from me and left me with being. My ego was leftover as an inconsequential person compared to the wider consciousness I had experienced with Being. I felt Being cradling me in a vague sense. My ego felt content with feeling inconsequential and unimportant in that moment.
The next day my ego felt self-important once again as in normal everyday life.
In the diagram above — A Life: Ego is in the present perceiving the past as if it were a place and the future as a place. The yellow Being includes conception and the body’s death and then some, but it could include all previous lives if we acknowledge reincarnation and future lives or countless lifetimes on Planet Earth. Being is presence imbued with emotion without the need for the mind for interpretation or classification and the body as a receptacle of place. However, there is a Higher Mind at work one that is not attached to ego or body and impossible to conceive from ordinary consciousness.
Can I Have Being all the Time?
Simple answer is: No. Even the question originates from ego’s attachment/addictive consciousness. Having is an ego-related motivation and time also belongs to ego and not Being.
A more apt question is: If Being already exists, how do I access it and make efforts for its growth? Being exists within work at being present and yet as soon as expectation enters we are pulled out of being present into a non-existent future.
In the next section I will review one way towards Mastery: