Yes, there is instability on many fronts. The economy is going in fits and spurts. Many people have quit their jobs. Unions are beginning to show clout.
On an even brighter side people are waking up to that there are more than two sides to any issue. Th people that have left social media platforms have felt the divisiveness that's there and are seeking civility in discourse.
There is more light in the world than darkness (literally) because the dark era is coming to an end. In 2025 the Ascending Kali Yuga will end (followed by 300 year cusp period).
The simulation in my own mind is showing a veil of darkness behind which is light. Within this light is people treating one another with respect, love, and civility.
This will take an enormous amount of work. I'm up for it and doing it. I know we're all in it together. Teamwork.