From the perspective of many ancient calendars of world civilization we are exactly where we're suppose to be, namely:
1. Humans and the planet are on the cusp of moving towards the light - literally. The solar system takes about 26,000 years in it's orbit around the Milky Way Galaxy to get as close to the core or center of our galaxy as possible where the light is concentrated. So, we're at the tail end of the darkest of ages. Mayan, Aztec, Hopi and Vedic Prophesies all speak to this.
2. in the Vedic or the Yugas according to corrected calculations of modern scholars - the Ascending Kali Yuga will end in 2025 followed by a 250 to 300 year cusp before the next age - takes root - moving towards enlightenment. The Kali Yugas are defined by divisiveness, moral decay, a world based on money and commerce, massive diseases, famines, weather changes, addictions, and so on
see for more.
3. The vertical hierarchy of the patriarchy - now controlled by white men has been and is in power during the industrial age. Patriarchal power-over has co-opted capitalism as its world domination matrix. It's chief virtue is greed and addiction to money. Modern psychologists have postulated that addiction is a substitute, albeit a poor one, for love.
4. In order for the top heavy white male power-structure to maintain its position - myths are spun to make anyone believe they can attain a seat at the table. Here, Jessica, you have nailed what should be obvious to everyone.
5. Hate fuels the divisiveness and allows us to be caught in the gears of the patriarchal structure cementing "same at it ever was" policy. Hate and rage without an effective means of action to dismantle the oppressive engine serves to keep us all stuck.
Towards possible solutions: Anger with effective action - such as grassroots movements on a constant level is necessary - daily (I'm sure I'm leaving plenty more actions out). Venting anger while temporary does not solve the problem.
There may be a 3-prong approach to change: 1. People working to see the larger ramifications of current actions generations in advance and blocking the opposition. 2. Those that take actions towards the balance on all levels and 3. The reconcilers/negotiators who find common ground between divisive groups based on emotion while defining a common good equally for all and facilitating those actions with the people that belong to the groups in points #1 and #2.