How Astrology Works
I view astrology lightly.
It’s one tool amongst many for navigating through life’s challenges and accentuating the blessings. Besides astrology I use many of the following for navigating life’s passages:
- Aims and Goals (an aim is a goal without an end such as “relieving suffering”)
- My will
- Inner or spiritual practices
- My gut (intuition)
- Intellect
- Empathy — Emotional Maturity
- Somatic Knowing
- Shaman practices
The Three Explanations of “why” astrology works (theories)
Astrology deals in parameters.
If we filter astrology parameters through negative / fear screens the parameters become limiting. If we look at the filters without a positive or negative bent — with neutrality then caution may be exercised. I often experiment with positive astrological parameters to see how a result might manifest between extremes — the results are surprising in a good way.
One — Astrology Correlates
When the ancient astronomers- also astrologers observed the planets and the moon the noticed the relationships of various movements with seasons of earth: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Phases of the moon. Planets and stars were then associated with the mythology of spring, winter and so on. Other visible planers were tracked out to Saturn and brought into the mythology. Astronomy and astrology have long ago been separated.
Two — Physics Causalities
Both the gravitational force or fields (GF) and the electromagnetic field (EMF) around planets, moons, the sun, asteroids, comets and other debris in our solar system have been measured by astrophysicists and studied. The entire solar system has a discernible field. It only makes sense that the astrophysics of the community of planets within the sun’s gravitational field along with the EMF has subtle effects between planets as suggested by astrology.
Three — Shaman’s Holistic Perspective
The Shaman’s reality combines correlates, astrophysics causalities and a Living Being — The Solar Community of our local star into a personalized knowing of relationships in a wider context. It’s possible that ancient astrologers / astronomers like the three Magi (see link below) that followed a star or comet to bring gifts to the newborn Christ were shamans.
Shamans have the ability to “see” / experience reality in macro and micro perspectives through an inclusion principle. In other words, shamans may experience the solar system either in their physical bodies or in their electromagnetic fields produced by their bodies. This is analogous to fractal geometry — as above/so below.