I don't see free will with nearly 99% of humans, myself included but not for the reasons Sam Harris gives.
My rebuttal to Harris's theory of the brain putting forth a choice into action by nanoseconds is:
1. language - spoken and written have fused with the structure of our brains and rewired them to such a degree that lag-time however minuscule is built in to the rewiring. I'm sure, though, that neuroscientist may be able to develop a double-blind study to see if this language bias is the factor in lag time or not.
2. Those that have achieved mastery and enlightenment are the people to study. They have free will. The problem of written and spoken language remains a problem. That leaves humans that have not yet developed language or infants as test subjects.
The reasons I propose for zero free will are systemic and live in the parameters of culture and civilization.