I wholeheartedly agree, Stephanie.
The role of government has traditionally been one of keeping industry in-check for the benefit of all the people. At least that how it was in the 1960s.
The question now is how do we as nations ally with corporations to include natural resources as part of the capital of investment for survival of our species. In other words profit and investment in a future must have equal footing as a starting point if we are to survive the climate crisis.
So far we have been good at defining the problems as well as outline the many solutions (see https://www.drawdown.org/solutions). Perhaps a projected cost-benefit analysis if corporations do nothing eg. tissue-paper efforts, versus moderate efforts, versus moderate pervasive efforts, versus full-out wartime-type efforts. Corps and Capitalism love moneyed comparisons versus the value of lives. But in a projected cost-benefit analysis include how lives will be saved and how as a result capitalism will be saved in a new iteration.