In light of the Climate Crisis meeting with exponentially accelerated growth: FULL STOP. Then after a time it is RESET for humans who have survived - maybe.
Climate Crisis arises out of imbalance. Systems of Earth are re-balancing in an incredible dance of integrated cooperation. Climate Change is both a natural process and has been accelerated by the cancerous human activities. The ecology of cooperation was missed by Darwin because he was a product of his time - industrialization built on competition: "Survival of the Fittest".
Patience, cooperation, compassion and inclusivity are left out by default in the competitive world of the best.
Some questions:
"Will the world be uninhabitable by the overall results of hyper-competitiveness?" Seeing as humans have yet to agree on a unified plan where all possible solutions are applied at once there may not be an Earth fit for any humans.
"In the context of hyper-competitiveness are we becoming more machine-like or mechanized that we have ever been in history?" "How does that effect our humanity?"
"Are we slaves to a system where men fight for the top at the expense of their humanity?"
"As the individual becomes more important in a competitive system how does community outside the competitive world even exist?" OR "Can every person for themselves at the expense of a cohesive civilization continue to flourish?"
"Is the competitive model sustainable in light of the limited resources needed to fuel its forward motion?" AND "What impact does mining these resources have on the future of the hyper-competitive model?"
There are more questions of course, but I'll stop here.