I've been writing and calling it the CLIMATE CRISIS for at least a year. And it is now DIRE.
On a personal level this is what I've done:
β’ Sponge baths instead of showers
β’ Driving 4,000 miles per year (and I live in California)
β’ Mostly vegan - once a month I might have a piece of meat.
β’ no dairy
β’ no a/c unless the temp goes above 107F. Instead fans and sleeping with wet towels. Humidity is low here during high heat.
β’ email my state and national reps URGING them to offer tax breaks for cisterns - no response. Last year I did it twice a week all summer with zero response. Maybe they will listen and respond now. And support a harm reduction plan like the Green New Deal.
β’ planned trips by car.
β’ locally vote progressive, nationally vote democrat. The GOP don't care.
β’ give to non-profits and social / racial justices charities and leagues
I know I can do more.
And where's the will of my government regarding a realistic, responsible action plan to a DIRE CRISIS? Nada.
It isn't just you and me, its all of US - and that's the gov. Or more suffering and horrific death.