I've seen many stories on Medium about the Climate Crisis and what we should do, or what's coming etc.
Two main salient features is that most humans have not had to sacrifice the comforts of modern life (yet) on a massive scale [unless confronted by fire or water destroying one's home for example].
My parents survived the Great Depression and were thrifty (aka cheap) and I was raised in the 50s and 60s to sacrifice for the greater good (and for ourselves).
Now that means nothing (except to me) because (US) & (World-Wide) Corporate-Government-Military-Industrial Complex is in control of everything and is not letting go. We are not in direct control of the engines of industry that foment the Climate Crisis.
We are addicted to modern civilization and enabled by the oligarchy, information is filtered to censor that which is alarmist (MSM). These are the problems.
One solution would be to monetize the damage on a personal basis, such as a program where all Americans would pay a disaster tax to those you have lost their homes, families and loved ones to natural disasters. But that would not be enough either. (I live in California and know about the fires - had to evacuate x2 in 2017 - but have not lost my residence - yet. I've been lucky.)
The nature of addiction is denial. Denial takes many forms. Read any Noam Chomsky book and you get a real on the ground taste of the denial and distraction as well as the lie machine that keeps the denial afloat.
ONE SOLUTION: Is massive strikes. Money talks. Shut down the country. But that won't happen. Why? We are addicted to modern civilization and its comforts. I know I am.
Next best thing is the collapse of civilization. Meaning the suffering and death of billions. By that time it will be too late. Nevertheless I am an optimist. The people remaining on the planet (without electricity from an national electric grid) will likely live in small communities and be able to generate electricity eventually.
I am grieved to the core of my being for this unnecessary suffering that is already here, BTW.