Noam Chomsky has been speaking and writing to these problems for many years. In short, as you so aptly put Umair, society has been conditioned to be overwhelmed, numbed-out, distracted, uneducated (as in conditioned to want things to be simple, steered away from examining issues with critical thinking), isolated, separate and despairing.
During the Vietnam War atrocities were televised and it was gut-wrenchingly horrific. The Gulf War and all wars after that were not televised, out of sight out of mind. In the film “Sneakers” the character played by Ben Kingsley says: “There’s a war out there old friend, a world war. Its not about who has the most bullets. It’s about who controls the information. What we see and hear, how we work, what we think. Its all about the information.”
Chomsky reports a similar message how the machines of capitalism and (white) men in power create distractions to subvert citizens role in a participatory democracy. It’s been going on for many years, since the end of World War II.
Now with COVID deaths we have been trained to feel numb about this mass atrocity by a President and his Republican enablers who have committed negligent manslaughter at the very least. And a Conservative Democrat (by 1960s standards) is choosing a pass to the crimes against humanity that Trump has perpetrated against us.
I am looking into venues to pressure Biden into appointing special prosecutors to try Trump for his crimes against humanity. It won’t be easy. But it must be done as one part of the healing.