Re-tread tires, re - means do again, right? tire goes on a wheel, no, no, no... that's not it. tire- to grow weary, to fatigue, or bore - as in the verb to bore. So...
Re - to do again and tire- to grow weary combine is to weary again and again. Sounds exhausting.
I've never believed in retirement. Long lost friends have asked me what I'm doing with my retirement. I laugh and say "I'm not retired, never will be."
In 1995 I left my F/T job and started a professional life as a psychic and a healer. After my dad died on my birthday. My practice crumbling despite my ability to work, take care of my mom, sort through their stuff. When I brought Mom from the east coast to Oregon where my sister planned this "friendship" romance with Mom, and I flew home (to Northern California) I had two clients out of more than 150 regulars.
In 2007 I went back to work F/T for my old company as a Crisis Counselor. As soon as I started my private practice exploded with new clients. Worked there a little over 9 more years. And retired while working 80 hours a week at both jobs.