Don’t read this if you don’t want to consider a bigger context:
RW media isn't the only fomenting hatred/anger/rage for profit, all media does this to some degree. Internet platforms have become divisive and on and on.
Divide, isolate and conquer...
Anger, hatred, rage and violence seem to be the logical conclusions for capitalism in it's current form. The "advancement" of culture in the USA seems to indicate that all aspects have of our culture have been taken to their logical extreme and are breaking apart.
The largest of contexts I can summon is the Hindu Yugas that represent 24,000 years of repeating cycles of history. We are in the Ascending Kali Yuga - 3,000 years long preceded my the Descending Yuga of equal years - with the features of values of business / businesses and divisiveness scripted through money (lord of the land). According to the mathematical corrections instituted about the Yugas - the Ascending Kali Yuga will end in 2025 and be followed by a 300 year cusp period when the next Ascending Yuga takes root.
It's helpful to be able to move beyond the divisiveness and apply compassion and forgiveness while hammering out a new world through tedious compromise.