Shivendra, it appears you are not aware of the evidence uncovered about the purposeful misleading information in the yugas. According to new information the Ascending Kali Yuga ends in 2025 CE (4 years from now) and one look at the world - predatory capitalism, divisive US politics -Trump etc its easy to see the divisiveness of our world. And despite the 250 to 300 year cusp period before the Ascending Dwapara Yuga is fully established there is ample evidence that we are entering tongues or rivulets of consciousness that is being extended to us fromt the Dwarpara Yuga as evident in an expanded present moment of Being Consciousness. However we need people like you to help show the way.
For the corrections:
An Article about shifts in consciousness "Beyond Time: The Locus of Consciousness"
We are in the cusp of the Aquarian Age, the reset of the Mayan Long Count (sacred calendar), The Aztec prophesy records a new vibration in our Sun in 1992 marking the energetic demise of the patriarchy. It would be good if we could talk, whould you so choose.