The bigger context that needs racism, slavery, misogyny, homophobia, the poor and the working poor and so on is the hierarchal white male system known throughout history as the patriarchy. The patriarchy’s philosophy deftly fits into the greed of predatory capitalism which in-turn feeds the snake eating its own tail. This action will result in the Climate Crisis causing undo suffering on all of human kind and in particular BIPOC and others at the bottom before most humans regardless of their wealth are wiped off the face of the planet.
The patriarchy’s top down white male power-over social system of dominance will always need people at the bottom. What better way not to take responsibility for one’s own actions in the world by embracing these systems of dominance. Or in other words there is always the scapegoat.
Since you and I live in this system whether we like it or not, the first step is a recognition of the problem and my (your) place in the hierarchy of privilege. BIPOC are well aware of this system because that have a built-in place at the bottom. Whereas white males like me and others have had to struggle to find out and discover my (our) place in the hierarchy of privilege and continue to challenge and be challenged on our assumptions and expectations regarding power. I opened my heart to the suffering of others and allowed myself to feel it – as much as I could bear. This is the connective tissue that allows compassion to create community of inclusion rather that exclusion. The work ahead feels daunting yet I am starting with what I know to begin moving forward.
It wasn’t until I was 29 years old when I fully realized that the world-was (is)- upside down and that I wanted to be on the team to turn it right-side up knowing full well that it may never happen in my lifetime. When I say fully-realize I mean intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Since that time both in searching for venues and working to relieve suffering I see that we went slightly forward only to fall way behind where I had thought we’d be by now.
I begin with myself and then work with others in community to assist in the transformation. The patriarchy is no longer useful in the world and needs to be replaced with a cooperative system where there are no people or beings (plants, animals, trees and the resources of earth) at the bottom.