The nature of the mode of current thought is both associative and dualistic. Associative - one thought linked to another by association. For instance we cannot think of a journey or trip between one point and another all at once. Even maps of a trip are mediating devices between ourselves and the journey between point A and B. When we think of a trip we think: "I drive down the street to the stop sign" "I drive left to the freeway on-ramp" and so on. This is an example of associative thinking. We seem to be stuck with this, while dualistic thinking while programed into us and adopted by us in our current cultural iteration could be a choice.
Dualistic thinking is either / or, the bad guys versus the good guys, Republicans versus Democrats, good versus evil and so on. And then there's the middle path between black and white - as the rainbow of possibilities between two extremes.
These modes of thought are within the sets of deductive and inductive logic that are part of scientific inquiry. Scientific inquiry reduces to explain for understanding. Science and the rational gives us the illusion of greater control within sets.
We search for reality and try to define or explain it by attempting to reduce it to smaller parts. In my experience as a shaman it works this way only from an ego linear space-time perspective and there's value in that.
Since I was a child I have experienced consciousness "out there in the world" and βwithin myself as well." It can be both and it can be either simultaneously. We are all one and we are wearing a costume of this life's body and ego as well as an all pervasive consciousness.
There is no out there, though we perceive an "out there". Truth is relative in all forms except Consciousness.