The November elections will be close in my opinion for several factors cascading into one another. The Covid19 response is a fiasco and doesn’t take into account the second wave of the virus having a greater impact than the first wave. Gerrymandering, marginalization of voters (due to the gutting of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by the Supreme Court in 2013) has resulted in purging voters through the Koch’s funded organizations — now defunk supposedly and other acts to weed legitimate voters from the rolls, a potential set-up for voting machines to be hacked by the shadow GOP and the Russians.
I suspect as Trump squeezes the working class and the working poor to return to work amidst a curve that is NOT flattening that the plight of many Americans will worsen and many more will needlessly die. With Trump’s flare for the dramatic it’s likely a plan — on the surface will represent the Hero’s Act but with major sacrifices to future Social Security Benefits that many Americans will be forced to take out of desperation. Trump will look like a hero and take the election.
If however he loses, by a slim margin with all the cons his cohorts have in place he will contest the election all the way to the Supreme Court and with Barr in his pocket may steal the election. This is dangerous because its likely to bring massive civil disobedience and strife despite the pandemic (and the possible third wave) and the country will teeter on the edge of a civil war.
Trump will declare Marshall Law to restore order. Could be a good thing and help save lives or inflame the more radical elements of his base into vigilante justice.
Of course this is a worst case scenario — if the election is nullified, decided by SCOTUS or is sent back for a do-over.
Biden must win by an overwhelming landslide to prevent this scenario, and as I see it it’s a 50/50 proposition at this point. We will all need to participate Biden’s election on all fronts if he is to win.
I’ll never forget what Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney said about Trump not leaving office peaceably. That is truly frightening.
I hope that I’m wrong about all of this except Biden winning with a landslide.