The pinnacle of Republican Party dominance comes with an Anti-Forrest Gump demon: Trump. He’s the thug, the ignorant and exceedingly clever con-man that many in the public are identifying with his “common man” vernacular. He is the front-man for world-wide corporate power. He opens the floodgates for others as bad or worse than he is to come in and take over. Trump has set the precedence for the future.
This is a man characteristic of the age — of everyone for themselves. When value was transferred from moral principle and the common good — many, many years ago and worth began to be determined based on the amount of money and assets one had, this was the beginning of the end.
Trump is a symptom of this. His addiction to money, power, greed, strength and revenge can never end. He lives for a future that can never be realized. He must prey on the weak, as you, Umair, have so precisely revealed. The toxic patriarchy has been taken to its logical extreme and coupled with predatory capitalism is eviscerating all that don’t belong in the privileged white male Top-Of-The-Class group. The hierarchical based system will always have someone at the bottom. The hierarchical based system will always have someone at the bottom. In our current world where concentration camps have already appeared — there are more to come.
Even if by some hard-earned miracle Trump loses and is removed from office he will be back with a vengeance running for 2024. We must get better organized to lead the Democrats. We must remain vigilant until the current form of the Republican Party is only a disgrace and vague memory. Otherwise all is lost.