The planet is seeking balance.
We, as humans do not practice balance with or in ourselves or with the natural world of which we are a part.
We are divorced from Earth, literally. When running shoes swept the planet - the plastic (petroleum-based product) sole of most of our footwear separated us from the grasses and soils beneath us. This has helped divorce ourselves from our home.
Hyper-competitiveness has fueled separation even further. If we want connection it has to be cultivated. We need to stop letting the toys of tech control us and stop letting addictive behaviors seize us in the gears of its machine. We need to replace this with a barefoot walk on a earthen trail through the woods for example, or standing in the soil of a garden, to begin.
The natural world moves at much slower pace than humans let alone humans being transformed into tech. I hate cell phones, but I bought a smart phone. I use it sparingly like I did with my dumb phone. I bought it because it streamlined some business connections.
Maybe a million people will survive the climate re-balancing. Most of us will suffer and die. By the time we act definitively it will be too late.
The only hope is that consciousness will survive. I'd loved to be proved wrong.