The Throat Chakra, Giving and Receiving and the coming new economy
It’s easier for us to give than receive.
In giving we have control. Those that have trouble with receiving have experienced judgment and negativity along with a “compliment” usually given by a parent, teacher or partner.
A practice of giving and receiving can be deceptively simple when the compliment is given cleanly.
I was a perfectionist (now a recovering perfectionist).
A woman friend congratulated me on doing a good job. I started to say that it could have been better (or perfect). Her reaction to my self deprecation was disappointment.
“Wait a sec,” I said. She turned back and looked into my eyes
In that moment I felt her praise, took it into my heart, looked back, made eye-contact and said:
It was a quick, simple and clean exchange.
This demonstrated an important principle of energy exchange or a cycle
The cycle of giving and receiving is about assimilation of fuel based in the throat chakra (energy center at the base of the throat). We have food as fuel and communication as fuel when it is reciprocal and based on positive regard.
The logical end of giving and receiving is a new economy based on community, cooperation where all are included… This new economy of giving and receiving is happening now, however it may take 100 years or more to take root in the mainstream.