The world exists within a stratum of various vibrations. Vegans, IMO, have a much higher vibration than the majority of people who consume meat, eggs, milk, and cheese. And even among those who are vegans, they may be eating mechanically, aka by habit, as all humans tend to do based on status or the automatic response for increasing levels of comfort (read sleep).
Part of my journey is two-fold. I am attached to eating meat despite the impacts on my body's ability to digest meat and cheese. This is waning.
The second reason is more complicated. When vegetarians or vegans separate from a meat/dairy-consuming past, they often sever their ability to relate and compete in the workplace. This is due to a mindset, a change in the emotional center, and the body or foundation for the mind and emotions. It may create a wider gap between vegans and meat consumers, fracturing society into more tribal antagonists.
There's more... But for the time being I'll stop here. It's a lot to digest.