The worlds: 1 - 6 originate from Aztec Prophesy. The 1st and 2nd worlds are unknown to me. The 3rd world was the world of the Clan /Guild and flourished during the times of Lemuria and Atlantis. The 4th world was the Matrirachy.
We live in the 5th world - The Patrirachy which according to Hindu scholars (Ascending Kali Yuga) is coming to an end in 2025
I read about the worlds in one of Don Miguel Ruiz's books but I don't remember which one except he wrote it with/sponsored a woman co-author. Aztec, Hopi, Mayan and the Vedic Yugas speak to various worlds based on the precession of the equinoxes.
I felt the change in vibration in the Sun in 1992.