There is truth in what you write within the context of of the last 36,000 years or so. This is the span of yugas ranging from the Descending Dwapara Yuga to the two Kali Yugas of the last 12,000 years in its descending and ascending manifestations.
The Kybalion Teachings while based somewhat on the principles of the Satya Yugas (12,000 years at the top of the cycle of Yugas) it seems to be infected with principles of both the Kali and Satya Yugas.
The Descending and Ascending Kali Yugas are founded in Mercantilism or commerce, business, and money as the context. Also divisiveness, clearly, is present in this epoch (cycle).
Kali, like Ereshkigal of the Sumerians, Osiris of the Egyptians and Pluto of the Greeks / Romans are about destroying old orders to make something new - from nothing. This is similar to the bird - Phoenix - the bird that burst into flames to rise up out of its ashes.
According to corrected calculations of the Yugic cycles the Ascending Kali Yuga ends in 2025 AD with a 300 year cusp period until the Ascending Dwarpara Yuga begins.
Sri Aurobindo in his writings reported that modern humans are incapable of complete thoughtforms. In other words we don't / cannot take responsibility for our thoughts. For instance when we get angry / incensed at a driver who cuts us off on the highway we (men mostly) go to a momentary though of rage. That thought coupled with emotion goes to a lower vibrational place on the planet and manifests as over conflict including, terrorism, war, death and murder.
Awareness of this can begin to reverse the process.
The Law of Mentalism leaves out emotion that the heart chakra generates - mainly love. Ego breaks love into pieces, fear, hate, all negative emotion. Positive emotions are arise from love and our daily manager - ego.
The Law of Correspondence allies with the illusion our ego holds that we have cohesive egos that are in fact fragmented. It isn't just about finding inner peace its also about holding the parts of ego with love associated and attached to fear, hate, anger and other negative emotions. The self- that which touches the divine -underdeveloped because the pull of ego whims through desire for the jewels of the "outer" world is accentuated at the expense of the core or essence self. The ego uses everything it touches to claim and attach or own the "high spiritual" (neither good nor bad BTW). When our egos claim what is intrinsic to the core self darker fragments also claim it but assume we are whole.
The Law of Vibration only indicates that The Law of Attraction can work by karmic fate or more consistently by "soul-age". "Soul-Age" as in an "old soul" has more choices in the physical world and yet chooses love which in turns helps to unite the parts of ego that dwell in the dark.
Deeper inner work of developing a neutral witness, which may become a steward or a master allows Vibration to increase. Consciousness expands and the work becomes that much more arduous.