There’s a few points that you have left out Umair. While its easier for all of us including all media to focus on what’s wrong they don’t offer any guides for solutions, mostly. This is something that bothered me about Television News back when it meant something in the 1960s. Even then they focused on problems and not solutions.
I think many of us have known or suspected that Climate Change or Climate Crisis has meant a radical change in everything is needed to ensure human survival. The way we live needs fundamental transformation if even a small number of humans are to survive. The 1970s brought into being the EPA. But why would the environment even need a Protection Agency if there wasn’t something drastically wrong with the manner in which we used and abused the environment.
Recent work by Bibhu Dev Misra in sorting out errors in the math of the Yugas has definitely made more sense giving events of the last 20 years or more. He reports that the Ascending Kali Yuga ends in 2025 followed by a cusp (read transition) period of 300 hundred years until the Ascending Dwapara Yuga begins — for 2,700 years. Kali a female and sometimes male Hindu Goddess/God is the Pluto of Western Astrology or the Phoenix — destroys in order to create something new. There is a bigger frame to contextualize in what is happening now and more importantly when things will slowly begin to change.
Muhammad Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in ’06 for his work in micro-credit and micro-lending — giving loans to people that don’t qualify for bank loans. His work and the work of others have helped grow other non-profits in world and in the United States — most notably Kiva to plug in poor people worldwide to commerce.
It seems that one response that appears to be growing — against the failure of capitalism is a moving towards sustainability. Community living — and sustainability such as working towards zero-waste, giving up one’s internal combustion engine — fossil fueled.
The question is about reducing the amount of suffering there is to come.