This is a valuable piece of work. Many facets of your article are exactly like mine only we use different words. The "constellation of energies" I call "competing or contradictory motivations" or in the words of one of my teachers: "the many 'I's" G. I. Gurdjieff.
I often look at broad contexts. Humanity has been directed outward for thousands of years. Lately that has grown into public displays of animosity promulgated by political figures. In the broader context - the darkness is always greater before the dawn. Light is saturating the planet. Many are beginning to awaken. (And there are dangers hidden in awakenings.)
Love that is as close to unconditional or channeled from a higher source that is unconditional is a good aim. Though I have been called to do Being Work in the world, my ego pr personality wants to claim it. π Letting go of attachment becomes the work.
Our self or ego avoids seeing what would like to be and obscures our dislikes. Many people quest for happiness ignoring, suppressing, repressing what we don't like about ourselves.
Inner work does not need to be completed in order to act from love and compassion. My compassionate loving witness within acts with intent in the world. I have not completed the inner work. It keeps on coming. I seek balance between the light and the dark. Don't you?