Very thorough. Thank-you for reminding me of my roots.
Cognitive knowing is so conditioned in our culture. Though of late, at least in the United States, critical thinking has disappeared. Power-possessors have accentuated doubt while systematically excluding the process of critical thinking as a way to manipulate many people.
Knowing from a seekers perspective is much more inclusive of a much larger process. That process includes cognitive thinking, emotional acumen, and somatic knowing. These three arenas are ideally cross referenced. By practicing the balancing between brain, heart and chi - doubt can return to balance rather than be a denier of emotional knowing or EI.
Aspects of our Higher Selves can embrace ego and include it in balance allowing all three centers brain, heart and body/chi to work in balance and harmony together.
In my 20s doubt played a larger roll because I thought I could live by logic alone. In my 30s I began to trust my intuition along with balancing it with my cognitive processes and my body. I owe this to immersion in the Gurdjieff Work.