When I met Wendy (15 years my senior) it felt right. I had picked her up when she was hitch-hiking (with a sign). "How do you know if the person is safe to go with?" I asked her. I get a sense. Later when I was going to a psychic for a reading she asked me why I needed to go. I was curious I said. She said: "You are so intuitive and psychic yourself, so I'm surprised."
She was right. Thanks to her and others I fell into my calling as a psychic and a healer.
One time my inner voice was screaming at me "Turn right, Don't go left." I was in a hurry. I turned left and got a speeding ticket.
As always you are a fantastic story teller. I have seen a few horrible things and by creating simple action alternatives was able to prevent them in at least two situations for clients.
Perhaps your lesson with Brad was to have spoken-up? Did this change your future course about being more forthcoming? Or perhaps Brad's lesson was to have died, as sad and heartbreaking as that was (is)?