When you became your own therapist - that was indeed a stroke of the divine working through you. That took an enormous amount of courage and self-will to go through.
Very inspirational. Thank-you.
My suicide attempt was very different, an impulsive act. And because I was at a Catholic College I was expelled. I went through a longer period where I was hospitalized, a month and a half after the attempt, for depression. I had bizarre adverse reactions to the anti-anxiety and anti-depressive medications upon discharge and went to yet another psych hospital for 4 months.
Even after all the spiritual work I did, it wasn't until 17 years to the month and day later that I helped save a woman from suicide that I surrendered into my destiny - as a seer and a healer.
I've written a book about it, a memoir of how I became a healer coming out on Amazon soon. (The suicide attempt is a small part of a bigger divine picture.)