While I support free universal health care, I don't think Medicare for All will succeed.
Here's why: Corporate America owns the DNC Dems and the GOP. They don't want to give up their profits and will fight with all the power and money to keep their monopoly on healthcare for profit.
Solutions: Maybe I being naive or maybe not. Here's what I propose using both tax incentives and tax penalties to bring Corporate Insurance in-line with Universal Health Care.
(Also an aside - file an antitrust lawsuit against all insurance companies and Pharma that make a profit on providing soul crushing / bankrupting services regarding healthcare - I know this would never work because one can't file a suit on all companies but...)
Set-up a government regulated Universal Health Care System (UHC) where for the first 10 to 20 years Big Pharma and Insurance companies would receive tax incentives to both comply with gov regulations and exceed expectations. The incentives would be made the closer they get to a non-profit status for basic UHC including pre-existing conditions. Tax penalties would occur when then go outside the initial parameters set up.
This is a partnership between government (representing us - all the people) and Corporate America (or Corporate World-Wide).