Writing fiction can be amorphous at best. In a sense fiction writing is a projection of themes. The themes will be interpreted by generations based on age differently.
There is a lot of projection going on when I read fiction albeit unconscious. If fiction is to be successful identification follows projection. We identify with a character. Even a vastly different character from ourselves can be identified with as an antagonist. And projection-identification varies from Boomers to Gen Zs.
I've been re-writing a book I self-published privately in '19 to drive the plot forward. Adding 1 character and developing another as an antagonist throughout 2/3rds of the book. Its a fantasy novel: "The Green Man of Destiny" a partially channeled novel. People are seeing want they want to see in it. And although I did not consciously intend to be one way I acknowledge there are unconscious processes in me that holds up the mirror in a way that catches unique light.