Your piece is special - the metaphor about the kid from Dubai is an excellent hook.
I have 1.7K followers, and I never asked for followers, either. I write fiction mostly, which few people read. I love writing fiction. The people who read my fiction and dear to me and have helped shape the fictional series richness. I write some comedy and wit, poems, and stories about spirituality.
But followers are not the goal per se. I'd like to think of followers as community and connectors. I think there is an obsession about "having" followers. This is based on the Facebook model. Most people who follow me are not interested in reading any of my stuff because they want me to follow them, especially since I became A Friend to Medium. I love reading other's writings especially when they are fine and beautifully crafted. I'm rambling due to poor sleep.
Thanks for following me. But why did you choose me? Answer or don't answer. Read or don't read. Good luck on your writing road.